ST United Studio Limited

Company Background

ST United Studio is a specialising studio formed in 2004 by two professional photographers, Fung Tsang and John Szeto.

For over 10 years, we have built a reputation for professional, creative and outstanding service and quality. We are committed to being the very best photography provider to suit a wide range of advertising purposes, as demonstrated by our strong track record in jewellery, timepieces, antiques, interior and architecture photography. Be it portraiture, still-life or outdoor shooting, we design the best lighting and composition to create the perfect effect. Using digital back with various kinds of professional cameras including Sinar 4x5 and Hasselblad H System (120中片幅相機), we create high quality images and provide all the necessary touching and editing to the satisfaction of our clients, because we believe in the value of a good image to the brand as much as our clients do.

ST United Studio is dedicated to fulfil all your photography demands and needs. We are happy to answer your inquiries and offer any photography solutions.
Simply call us on 3102 0317 to inquire or to make an appointment with us. We stand ready to serve you and welcome your call.


公司成立至今不斷求進並建立獨特風格,以專業的知識及技術,為客戶提供高質素的圖象拍攝服務。我們工作的範圍涉及不同類型的廣告,拍攝種類包括人像、靜物與外景,特別專長於珠寶鐘錶、古董、室內環境及建築物的拍攝。在拍攝工作中我們著重燈光技巧,為不同的拍攝對象及環境設計最佳的光線運用,並以獨特的美術觸覺創作畫面的構圖、氣氛和效果。我們利用專業的數碼背(Digital Back)配合不同種類的專業級相機,如Sinar 4"x 5"大片幅相機及哈蘇H系列的120中片幅相機,拍攝高像素的圖片。我們對於圖象的後期製作同樣一絲不苟,我們會為客戶提供相片的修圖服務,務求令客戶對相片的效果滿意,使客戶的品牌形象能進一步提升。

我們以敬業樂業的精神、專業及誠懇的態度為客戶服務。如閣下對本公司的服務感興趣或對拍攝工作有任何查詢,歡迎致電3102 0317與我們聯絡,我們樂意為閣下解答問題或安排面談。