With enthusiasm and strong desire, fungTsang quitted his job and joined the photography profession in 1997. He took professional photography courses and worked as assistant of renowned photographers. fungTsang started his own studio in 2002, where with passion and creativity, he provided quality professional photographic services to local and international clients. ST United Studio was formed in 2004 to expand the extent of services.
For over 10 years devoted as photographer, fungTsang enjoys to give images lives and pursues beauty through lenses and variety of lighting. With expertise in architecture photography and location shooting, fungTsang conducts well-planned pre-shooting arrangement and makes flexible use of light sources and atmosphere on-site to perfect his ideas and images.
Keeping up with the changing technology, fungTsang updates his photographic techniques and equipment to strengthen the effect of images.
熱愛攝影, 鋒於1997年毅然放下工作, 一方面修讀專業攝影課程, 同時跟隨著名商業攝影師, 成為攝影助手. 鋒於2002年成立個人攝影工作室, 實踐理想, 發揮創意, 為本地及海外客戶提供攝影服務. 並於2004年組成意道攝影製作有限公司, 為其攝影工作跨進一步。
從事專業攝影工作超過十年( 十多個年頭), 鋒愛好靜物攝影, 鍾愛運用燈光與鏡頭, 賦與影像生命力, 創造藝術與美感. 專長於拍攝建築及外景, 鋒視處理外景攝影的多變為挑戰, 透過妥善策劃及臨場應變, 運用現場的光線和氣氛, 創造無限的影像及意念。
鋒緊貼日新月異的科技, 無論拍攝技巧及攝影器材, 皆與時並進, 加強影像的效果。